Hello Faithful Friends!
Many of you already know about the changes that God has brought into our lives recently, but I wanted to update the blog so that you can continue to keep us all in prayer.
Lots of changes are in the air!
We have moved to Texas. And there's a baby on the way.
I'm due on October 16th, my birthday. :)
We are staying with Matt's parents for a while in Allen, near Dallas, while he finishes his Masters and Credential in Education and we prepare for our little bean to arrive. Gambit and Rogue are adjusting great and we are getting to know our new city as we settle into a new church community and discover gluten and dairy free options for me in the area.
On a side note; I finally got tested for Celiacs Disease, and it was NEGATIVE! WooHoo! So I will continue to follow my diet while my immune system is down from growing an alien in my belly, and then eventually begin to retest my limits and research more about intolerance and allergies.
Okay. I think you're ready for the big news.
Our foster kids are now living with their older sister in California.
We are very happy to have had the opportunity to be family with them for this past year and for the rest of our lives onward. We are so blessed to have had the time before they came as we let God transform our faith and show us how to trust Him with huge concerns and tangible needs.
There came a time when the kids decided they wanted to be cared for by their sister, and she was ready and wanted to have them under her care.
We felt like God was leading us to let go of our previous ideas and pictures of what the future would hold, and support this change.
It was very hard, but overall, we felt God's amazing peace and comfort as the time passed and arrangements became settled.
Hilariously enough, 3 days after the kids left, we found out I was pregnant!
God has given us a new light and gift and now we are preparing for what's ahead.
Thank you all for everything you did to make our last year successful and full of joy.
We are so grateful for the community that came around us in incredible support and love.
God is good and He is FAITHFUL!!!
Trust Him with everything you can manage and you will be blessed and delightfully surprised with His Favor and Provisions.
Love to you all!
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